Producing Plants!

Our Aloe Vera is out of control!!!

Aloe Vera is a desert plant the can grow up to 4 feet tall. It has many medicinal purposes and is a very old plant, that was used in ancient times. Overall a really good plant to have on hand. It is known to soothe, and hydrate, it has anti-aging and inflammatory properties and it reduces scarring. I love it!

2 years ago... We purchased 1 aloe vera plant. Now... We have 50. What??? Our 1 plant (on right), as it grew produced a bunch of new baby plants. We transplanted them, and now they got a little out of control. So it was time to fix the problem. Today I worked on one of our pots (left) to thin it out.
First, I moved all of the little aloe plants to a different container. Then I got to work on the biggest one. I dug it up and then cut off everything but the bottom few leaves. I can now harvest those, and it will hopefully keep growing. Then I put it back in the dirt and moved some of the little ones back with it. The ones I didn't move back, I put in separate pots until they got bigger.

For harvesting, first you need to cut off the end's using kitchen scissors, or a knife. Just cut right where the leaf starts getting thick. They should look like this.⬆

 Next, you need to cut along both sides to get rid of the spines. After that, you need to take the skin off. I like to use a speed peeler, and just take off the green part, exposing the clear flesh inside. You can also use a knife, but make sure you take off as little gel as possible. You can use the green skin for a face mask, just rub them on your face, throw them away, and wash your face 15 minutes later.

Now you can cut the gel piece up and put it in a bowl. From there you can use it for the many purposes I will list below.


Aloe Vera Uses:

For most of these uses, you need to blend up the gel into more of a liquid. For more information...

Acne Scars
Hair Growth
Hair Gel
Makeup Remover
Natural Shaving Gel
Bug Bites



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